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The Complete History of Robotics: From Ancient Myths to Modern Machines

The Complete History of Robotics: From Ancient Myths to Modern Machines For centuries, humans have been fascinated about the field of technology called Robotics. Intriguing was the thought of inventors, scientists, and storytellers alike of creating machines capable of doing human-like tasks. Nowadays, robots have become a part of industry, health care, household duties, and space exploration. However, the evolution of robots, starting from their ancient mythical origins to the present-day advanced machines, is a journey of innovativeness and discovery. In this blog, we will ride through a whole history of robotics, from the roots of ancient myths to modern-day sophisticated machines.  Ancient Myths and Early Concepts of Robots The conception of machines as performers for humans can be found dating back thousands of years. Long before real robots existed, ancient civilizations imagined mechanical beings through myths and legends. 1. Greek Mythology: Among the earliest references akin t
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